
Go-To-Market Framework

Our Revenue IQ Go-To-Market Framework provides a holistic approach to the needs of the modern business world. It is a customized playbook for all customer-facing teams to support your go-to-market strategy. Developed from years of real-world experience, it allows for modular application to meet your unique business needs.


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Revenue IQ Go-To-Market Framework

Our Go-To-Market Framework is a comprehensive and field-tested model consisting of five main areas, each covering important aspects and topics of all customer facing teams.

Go-To-Market Framework

1. GTM Strategy

The go-to-market strategy is the core of your GTM framework. It addresses key questions about the target audience, the unique selling proposition, the optimal distribution channels, and the competitive landscape. It also integrates the planning and allocation of resources and the analysis of key revenue and cost drivers. Thanks to this comprehensive approach, the GTM strategy serves as a comprehensive guide for all decisions and activities your company undertakes in the market.

2. GTM Plan

The go-to-market plan is the critical step in translating your strategy into specific actions. In this phase, you focus on how you will achieve your sales goals. In addition to planning sales territories and assigning targets and quotas, this includes designing marketing campaigns and defining your pricing strategy. The GTM plan combines strategic considerations with practical actions and is therefore key to the successful implementation of your GTM strategy.

3. GTM Execution

Go-to-market execution is where you put your plans into action. You execute outbound and inbound campaigns, manage leads and opportunities, nurture customer relationships, and implement digital sales strategies. Successful GTM execution requires a clear focus on customer acquisition and retention.

4. People

Your people are the heart of your go-to-market team. In this area, you make sure you have the right team, train them well, and assign clear roles and responsibilities. You measure performance against KPIs, manage talent, promote leadership and culture, position your brand on social media, and foster collaboration and positive team dynamics.

5. Tools & Processes

Modern sales processes require efficient tools and processes. This pillar includes the selection and implementation of CRM software, the design of sales methodologies, the use of reporting and analytics, the integration of Generative AI, and the implementation of automation and integration. Well-designed tools and processes are key to optimizing sales activities.

Go-To-Market Framework

The Revenue IQ Go-To-Market Framework provides a holistic approach to the needs of the modern business world.

It not only modernizes your sales organization but also acts as a customized playbook for all customer-facing teams that contribute to the success of the go-to-market strategy. This framework is based on years of real-world experience and allows you to use the various topics in a modular format to meet your organization's unique needs.

GTM Strategy

GTM Strategy

GTM Plan

GTM Plan

GTM Execution

GTM Execution



Tools & Processes

Tools Processes

Target Market & Ideal Customer Profile
Territory & Account Planning
Outbound & Inbound Campaigns
Forecast Management
Value Proposition Products & Services
Target Allocation & Quota Setting
Lead Management
Sales Enablement & Training
Sales Methodology
Channel & Route to Market
Marketing Campaign Plan
Opportunity Management
Roles & Responsibilities
Reporting, Analytics & Data Management
Competitive Analysis
Channel & Route to Market- Sync
Customer Advocacy & Retention
OKRs, KPIs & Measurement
Generative AI Integration
Customer Journey
Content Plan
Digital & Social Selling
Talent Management
Sales-Tech & Marketing Tools
Marketing & Sales Funnel
Virtual Customer Experience
Leadership & Culture
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Partnerships & Alliances
Demand Generation Management
Social Branding
Compensation & Incentive Structure
Revenue & Cost Driver
Promotion & Launch Plan
Feedback & Iterations
Collaboration & Team Dynamics
Automation & Integration
GTM Strategy

GTM Strategy

Target Market & Ideal Customer Profile
Value Proposition Products & Services
Channel & Route to Market
Competitive Analysis
Customer Journey
Marketing & Sales Funnel
Revenue & Cost Driver
GTM Plan

GTM Plan

Territory & Account Planning
Target Allocation & Quota Setting
Marketing Campaign Plan
Channel & Route to Market- Sync
Content Plan
Partnerships & Alliances
Promotion & Launch Plan
GTM Execution

GTM Execution

Outbound & Inbound Campaigns
Lead Management
Opportunity Management
Customer Advocacy & Retention
Digital & Social Selling
Virtual Customer Experience
Demand Generation Management
Feedback & Iterations


Sales Enablement & Training
Roles & Responsibilities
OKRs, KPIs & Measurement
Talent Management
Leadership & Culture
Social Branding
Collaboration & Team Dynamics
Tools & Processes

Tools Processes

Forecast Management
Sales Methodology
Reporting, Analytics & Data Management
Generative AI Integration
Sales-Tech & Marketing Tools
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Compensation & Incentive Structure
Automation & Integration

Explore your GTM potential - free consultation

Not sure what direction your company should take in GTM? Take the opportunity for a free orientation meeting. We'll help you understand your specific needs and show you how our consulting services can help you achieve your go-to-market goals.

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Go-To-Market Strategy

The GTM strategy forms the foundation of your GTM framework, which serves as a guideline for all further activities.


Design your GTM strategy with expert advice.
Go-To-Market Consulting

1. Target Market & Ideal Customer Profile

The first step is to precisely define your target market and create your ideal customer profile. Data and analysis can be used to identify which customer groups are most relevant to your offering and develop a detailed Ideal Customer Profile (ICP). This allows you to target resources to the most promising segments.

Know-How | Consulting Package

2. Value Proposition & Products & Services

The interplay of value proposition and products & services is crucial for market success. In this step, we work to formulate your value proposition in such a way that it directly addresses the needs and challenges of your target customers while clearly highlighting your offerings. A compelling value proposition, combined with continuous development of your products and services, is the key to differentiation in a highly competitive environment.

Know-How | Consulting Package

3. Channel & Route to Market

Choosing the right sales channels is crucial. Identifying the most effective distribution channels for your offering and optimizing your market access are part of this step. This can include selecting suitable sales partners or developing your own sales channels.


4. Competitive Analysis

A thorough competitive analysis is essential to understand your position in the market. Identifying competitors, analyzing their strengths and weaknesses and developing a strategy for successful positioning are key elements of this step.


5. Customer Journey

The customer journey is a key factor in modern sales. Mapping the entire customer journey and ensuring that every touchpoint meets your customers' expectations leads to satisfied customers and strengthens customer loyalty.

Know-How l Consulting Package

6. Marketing & Sales Funnel

The marketing and sales funnel is a proven tool for managing marketing and sales activities. Designing an effective funnel to increase conversion rates and boost efficiency is part of this step.


7. Resources

As part of the GTM strategy, careful planning and allocation of resources is essential. In this step, we identify the key resources required for your strategy, including personnel, budget and technologies, and plan their effective deployment.


8. Revenue & Cost Drivers

This step focuses on the key sales and cost factors of your GTM strategy. Here we analyze how different aspects of your business model, such as product lines and sales channels, generate revenue and what costs are associated with them. The aim is to develop an understanding of the financial drivers of your business to enable you to make informed strategic decisions.


Go-To-Market Plan

The GTM plan is your roadmap for implementing your strategy. It sets out the specific measures required to achieve your goals.


Structure your GTM plan with expert support.
Go-To-Market Consulting

1. Territory & Account Planning

Careful planning of your sales territories and customer management is crucial to ensure that resources are optimally deployed. This helps to identify promising territories and customers to maximize sales potential.

Know-How l Consulting Package 1 l Consulting Package 2

2. Target Allocation & Quota Setting

The correct allocation of sales targets and quotas is an essential part of GTM planning. As a result, realistic targets are set and sales staff are motivated and have clear objectives.


3. Marketing Campaign Plan

Marketing campaigns are crucial for reaching potential customers and leading them into the sales funnel. Careful planning and implementation of marketing campaigns that effectively reach the target group is of great importance.


4. Channel & Route to Market Sync

The coordination of sales channels is crucial in order to convey a consistent message. This involves synchronizing sales channels and setting priorities in order to increase effectiveness.


5. Content Plan

High-quality content is crucial for lead generation and customer retention. Developing a content plan that appeals to target customers and offers added value is of great importance.


6. Pricing

Developing an effective pricing strategy is an essential part of GTM planning. This step involves analyzing market dynamics and customer value perceptions to create pricing models that are both competitive and profitable.


7. Partnerships & Alliances

Partnerships and alliances can significantly improve market access and reach. The identification of suitable partners and the design of cooperation agreements are of strategic importance.


8. Promotion & Launch Plan

The introduction of new products or services requires a well thought-out launch strategy. We support the planning and implementation of a successful market entry.


Explore your GTM consulting needs - Free initial consultation

Not sure how to get started with your GTM development? Schedule a free consultation to explore how we can help you achieve your goals and overcome your challenges.

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Go-To-Market Execution

Implementation is the practical part of your GTM strategy. This is where the planned measures are put into practice and ensure that your sales and marketing activities run smoothly.


Realize your GTM activities with expert advice.
Go-To-Market Consulting

1. Outbound & Inbound Campaigns

Targeting potential customers is a key factor in modern sales. This includes the planning and implementation of outbound and inbound campaigns to effectively address your target group.


2. Lead Management

Effective lead management is crucial for guiding potential customers through the sales funnel. This includes qualifying leads and assigning them to the right sales employees.


3. Opportunity Management

Successfully converting leads into opportunities requires careful planning and follow-up. This includes identifying promising opportunities and developing a clear sales strategy.

Know-How l Consulting Package

4. Customer Advocacy & Retention

Satisfied customers are the best ambassadors for your company. This includes cultivating customer relationships and building long-term loyalty.


5. Digital & Social Selling

Modern sales use digital and social channels to acquire and retain customers. This includes the effective use of these channels.

Know-How | Consulting Package l Training

6. Virtual Customer Experience

Digitalization has changed the customer experience. This includes creating a smooth and engaging virtual customer experience.


7. Demand Generation Management

The continuous generation of demand is crucial for your growth. This includes the development and implementation of demand generation strategies.

Know-How | Consulting Package l  Training

8. Feedback & Iterations

Continuous feedback and analysis of data are crucial to continuously improve your GTM strategy. This includes collecting feedback and deriving suitable measures.



Your employees are the key to success. We support you in optimally preparing your team for the requirements of your GTM framework.


Strengthen your team for GTM success with our expert advice.
Go-To-Market Consulting

1. Onboarding

Effective onboarding of new employees is crucial to ensure that they become productive quickly. This includes developing efficient onboarding processes.


2. Sales Enablement & Training

The continuous training and development of your sales team is crucial for success. This includes the development of training programs that continuously improve the skills of your employees.


3. Roles & Responsibilities

Clear roles and responsibilities are crucial to ensure that every employee makes their contribution to success. This includes defining clear roles and responsibilities.


4. OKRs, KPIs & Measurement

OKRs, KPIs & Measurement combines Objectives and Key Results with Key Performance Indicators to accurately measure the success of your GTM strategy. You define clear metrics and targets to assess progress and performance, giving you a comprehensive overview of target achievement and go-to-market effectiveness.


5. Talent Management

Identifying and developing talent is crucial for your growth. This includes the identification and promotion of talent.


6. Leadership & Culture

A positive organizational culture and effective leadership are critical to the success of your GTM framework. This includes creating a positive culture and developing leaders.


7. Social Branding

Positioning your brand in social media is of great importance in modern sales. This includes the effective positioning of your brand in social media.


8. Collaboration & Team Dynamics

Effective collaboration and positive team dynamics are crucial for success. This includes fostering a culture of collaboration.


Tools & Processes

The right tools and processes are crucial to the successful implementation of your GTM strategy. We help you to select and introduce the right tools and processes.


Optimize your GTM tools and processes with tailored advice.
Go-To-Market Consulting

1. Forecast Management

The sales forecast is crucial for resource planning and financial planning. This includes the introduction of forecasting tools and processes.

Know-How l Consulting Package

2. Sales Methodology

Choosing the right sales method is crucial to your success. This includes selecting and implementing the right sales method for your offer.


3. Reporting, Analytics & Data Management

The right reporting is crucial for measuring the progress and success of your GTM strategy. This includes the selection and implementation of suitable analysis tools and data management processes.


4. Generative AI Integration

Integrating Generative AI into sales can significantly increase your efficiency. This includes the integration of AI tools into your sales process.

Know-How l Consulting Package

5. Sales & Marketing Tools

Choosing the right sales and marketing tools is crucial to the success of your GTM strategy. This includes the selection and implementation of suitable tools.


6. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

High-performance customer relationship management (CRM) is crucial for success in sales. This includes the selection and implementation of a CRM system that meets your requirements.


7. Compensation & Incentive Structure

The right remuneration and incentive structure is crucial to motivate your sales staff. This includes developing a compensation system that sets the right incentives.


8. Automation & Integration

The automation of processes and the integration of systems are crucial to increasing your efficiency. This includes the selection and implementation of suitable automation solutions and integration processes.


Clarify your GTM questions - Free strategy discussion

Do you need clarity about your go-to-market strategy? Take advantage of our offer for a no-obligation strategy meeting to find out which of our services make the most sense for you.

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